Outside temperature-based heating control

Optionally with room sensor or return temperature limitation

Application description

Supply temperature control (outside temperature-based/EQJW)

The supply temperature is regulated to a setpoint dependent on the outside temperature.
The heating characteristic is calculated using the average outdoor temperature, the slope and,
depending on the operating mode, the room temperature setpoint (normal or reduced).
The supply setpoint is between the defined minimum and maximum supply temperatures.
The positioning signal for actuating the regulating valve is calculated by the supply temperature controller
and output as "regulating valve" in %.

Darstellung der Heizungsregelung

The system consists of:

  • Smart Actuator (SA)
    • Supply temperature sensor (SA T-02|Ni)
  • I/O-Modul M1 (SA T01)
    • Outdoor temperature sensor (I/O module M1 T-05|NO)
    • Optional maximum temperature monitor (I/O module M1 T-06|NO)
    • Optional circulation pump operating message (I/O module M1 T-06|NO)
    • Optional return temperature sensor (I/O module M1 T-07|Ni)
    • Optional room temperature sensor (I/O module M1 T-07|Ni)
    • Circulation pump (I/O module M1 BO12|BO)
    • Circulation pump DOI 2 (I/O module M1 BO11|BO)
    • Circulation pump DOI 3 (I/O module M1 BO10|BO)